"12 confirmed dead in shooting at movie theater in Aurora, CO"Upon reading the story more and finding out the facts, I was deeply effected by the whole incident. Over 50 people wounded. A 12-year-old killed. A 3-month-old was even shot. Evidently the man responsible, a 24-year-old Med school dropout named James Holmes, came through the emergency exit with a gas mask on during the premiere of "The Dark Knight Rises". He proceeded to throw tear gas on the ground, and began firing into the crowd, shooting those that were trying to exit. He shot sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters. Families at an innocent opening of a much-awaited film. The film was scheduled to have a red carpet premiere in Paris, France but was cancelled when Warner Bros heard about the incident. Evidently, all of the main actors were to be there.Perhaps they didn't want a copycat incident.
I had the opportunity of going to Colorado this past fall for a recruiting trip for SUU. While I was there, I met with high school counselors, bright-eyed students, and parents as well. I was able to see the beauty of Colorado, and drove with a little reluctance to Columbine High School to visit prospective students there. I even drove past this same movie theater to get to a high school. Not that I have any family in Colorado, but this incident hit close to home for me, as I got to know some of the people there and experienced the culture.
What's going on humanity? There are so many great qualities that you possess! Was this man influenced by the violence in movies or video games? Was he genuinely unwell, depressed, sad?
While the motives behind this horrific incident are still unclear, I can't help but wonder why this individual felt the need to involve innocent people. I know that all the answers I want will not come in this life, but I still sometimes while things like this are permitted to happen. My faith remains intact though.